Our Pastor


Brian King serves as Pastor at Bethany Chapel. The leadership is comprised of 3 other elders and the deacon board. We are elder led, deacon assisted and congregationally ruled with our focus being on the head of the church, Jesus Christ.

Brian and Michelle King:

In 1990, Brian and Michelle were married after graduating from Appalachian Bible College. Early on, their focus was on youth and camp ministry. In 1993, God blessed them with a son, Joshua. After Serving as youth pastor, for a total of 8 years, Brian accepted a position as pastor. Brian has been privileged to pastor churches in West Virginia, Ohio, and Alaska. On September 1, 2015, they began a long drive back to the eastern US, not knowing for sure where God was taking them. Bethany Chapel was “on the radar” but by no means a sure thing. After meeting with the church family, both they and the church had come to believe this was God’s place for them. Brian officially accepted the position as pastor on October 4th, 2015.

Brian is a blue jeans and flannel shirt type of guy. Michelle is thankfully a bit more refined, enjoying music and reading. Both share a heart for God, His Word and His people. They also have a heart for those outside the family of God. With a commitment to proclaim God’s truth as recorded in the Bible, a love for the sheep of God’s fold, and a passion to reach the lost, Brian and Michelle are committed to seeing God’s will pursued, His purposes accomplished and His name glorified. Come be a part of this. We could use your help. Times are listed on the “Upcoming Events” page.